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The name “Kurra-Wirra” is aboriginal for Red Gum country and that is exactly what this area is. Situated in the far west of Victoria this picturesque country enjoys large red gum trees, nestled in rolling hills and creeks. This area is renowned for its breeding and grazing, added with some cropping and an annual rainfall of approximately 570mm.

Kurra-Wirra is a pastoral enterprise owned and operated by the Close family of Culla since 1945.

Kurra-Wirra has had Merino sheep since it's beginning and cattle for the last 40 years. We continue to manage the stud and commercial sheep. He also had a Hereford stud for 20 years before moving to Hereford/Angus composite cattle and loved the advantages and efficiencies of the hybrid vigor. We 
have always had a strong focus on commercial reality and we believe with an open mind have moved with the times and market to breed the most efficient and profitable cattle to suit. This has led us to the logical and obvious choice of the Red Angus & Senepol breed (in both their pure and composite form).

In 2005-2006 during the drought we were fortunate in securing world class females of pure Red Angus and Senepol composite genetics. We currently breed about 200 bulls a year. In my opinion these are the best cattle I have had anything to do with. They tick all the boxes as a breed. To list all their advantages would take a long time but simply the thing they excel in is high valued top quality meat with exceptional growth rates. The excellent fertility rates to produce high growth top quality carcasses in all areas both northern tropical and in cooler southern areas.



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